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7. Working in Brazil as Employee & Residence Permit/Visa


7.1. The Brazilian Law of Migration states that a Temporary Visa and a Residence Permit can be granted to a foreigner that has an offer of job in Brazil, be from a Brazilian legal entity in activity or an Brazilian natural person (Normative Resolution CNI n°2, Article 1°).


7.2. Such as in any country, the State has an interest in high qualified works, but it is important to note that even refugees enter in the formal labor market, showing the diversity of opportunities in Brazil.


7.3. Usually, is part of the process the prove of offer by an individual employment agreement (Law 13.445, Article 14, par. 5°). In the examination of the application, will be checked the compatibility between the qualification and experience of the immigrant with the activity she/he will carry out in the country. Should be demonstrated by document one of the following situations:
- the immigrant has a Master or PhD related with the area of work;
- or a post-graduation with a minimum of 360 hours and minimum experience of 1 year in the area of specialization, compatible with the activity to be performed;
- or a Bachelor degree plus a 2 years experience in the area;
- or a Technician degree plus 3 years of related experience;
- or a minimum school age of 12 years and professional experience of at least 4 years in occupation that does not require a technical level or higher;
- or at least 3 years' experience in the exercise of a profession, whose artistic or cultural activity is independent of school training;
- or the demonstration that exist compatibility of the professional profile of the immigrant and the function to be performed in Brazil plus proof of 5 years of experience


7.4. So, after you have a job offer, it is necessary to apply, to the Ministry of Labor, for a residence permit (that will be valid for 2 years) prior to the issuance of the temporary visa, considering the above mentioned evidences, and a specific labor agreement that considers, at least, the term of the agreement, the function and activities to be performed, the remuneration, that the employer undertakes to pay the repatriation costs of the immigrant when the termination of the contract, among others clauses according to your specific case (Normative Resolution CNI n°2).







De Conti Law Office